Monday, September 28, 2009

There is nothing more surreal then when the theme music from Six Feet Under shuffles onto my ipod while I'm mowing the lawn.

Everything to nothing

I'm not complaining yeah
I was just saying
I'm a man, I'm a lost one you see?
Come down with me to a place
We'll get clean
And we'll meet with them eventually

You mean everything

I don't know much but a crutch is a crutch
If it's holding you from moving on
I don't know what to do
Not anymore
Not anymore
And you
Well you mean

~Everything to nothing, Manchester Orchestra
Bill Clinton: 'Vast right-wing conspiracy'
as 'virulent' as ever

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Recently I found a Newsweek from December 4th, 1978. It focuses mainly on the Jonestown Massacre which happened a few weeks earlier. The whole thing is just so hard to imagine and Newsweek's coverage is mind blowing. The most incredible account is a side bar by Chris J. Harper detailing his trip to Jonestown:

I had flown to Guyana's capital of Georgetown, heading to Jim Jone's commune, in the same single-engine Cessna that members of Ryan's party had taken. The bullet holes in the front passenger door had not yet been repaired, and the back of one seat was still smeared with blood of one of the victims. We landed at Port Kaituma, where the second plane caught in the shoot-out, a Guyana Airways green and yellow twin-engine Otter, had not been moved; Its left tire was still flat, punctured by bullets.

The soldier was polite, helpful, eager to tell me what he knew. But he would not go near the bodies, and neither would a third soldier I tried to talk to. He concentrated on ignoring everything around him. He had wrapped a fragrant nut in a handkerchief, and stared sullenly ahead, breathing the aroma deeply as if it could eliminate the stench that pervaded the camp.

The ads in the Newsweek are mainly for insurance, alcohol, cigarettes and cars so not much has changed with the exception of cigarette ads which you don't see much of anymore. Aside from the Jonestown stuff the other thing that got my attention was a write up in the regular television section regarding 2 new game shows: The $1.98 Beauty Show and The Cheap Show. Both of these shows sound just like most of the cheap garbage that passes for television now minus maybe the phony moral code that today's shows drip with.

No Regrets: From a strictly feminist perspective, this program makes the Atlantic City spectacle seem like a National Organization for Women consciousness-raiser. Bodies of virtually every age, contour and girth are stuffed in bikinis and trotted about like exhibits at a cattle auction. Performing talents are stretched to the most grotesque lengths; an over-ripe baton twirler named Trixie scored exactly three catches in twelve attempts. All the while, emcee Rip Taylor leeringly twirls his handlebar mustache as an off camera announcer machine-guns sexist jokes. Introducing one buxom lass, he quips: "Maxine's wildest dream is to tie her shoes without falling over."

Where exactly did this spot play?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Meet Sir Julius Andreas Gimli Arn MacGyver Chewbacka Highlander Elessar-Jankov

Julie here changed his name to make the statement that its possible to be serious and at the same time take the name you like. I expect we will start to see videos from Shatner and his daughter on youtube in reference to why Julius did not include Tiberius in his serious name.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ich Bin Otaku

I visit Kotaku several times on a daily basis. I like the commentary between the editors and like to be teased through out the day with trailers and news from events I will never visit. Its also one of the few places where the regular writers and even the message boards are typically readable. Very little fighting back and fourth and gems like this in relation to a story about a huge papercraft Link:

"All other papercrafters should get off the stage. Cause this guy just dropped the papercraft mic"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This man is grum-pay

I hate having to go to Walmart and so does Roger Stephens. This guy is the Charles Bronson of the Walmart world, a true vigilante in the fight against noisy annoying children at Walmart.